Friday, September 3, 2010

Stress, Energy, & Your Health Workshop - Massachusetts

Is Stress Wreaking Havoc In Your Life? A Look At Stress ~ And Methods To Reduce The Toxic Stress In Your Life. Learn to Create Balance in Your Physical Life, Mindful Life, And Spiritual Life. There is a direct connection between stress and different diseases. Medical research shows that two-thirds of all visits to family physicians are due to stress related symptoms.

Stress is linked to the 6 leading causes of death making the #1 killer.

Learn about stress, the consequences of unmanaged stress, how diet and food toxicities play a role with stress, importance of a healthy sex life, benefits of holistic therapies, understanding how our patterns of thought affect us physically, and explore various methods to reduce stress in your life. We will also address how stress can impede your job search or prevent growth in your current career and ways to change it.

Workbook, exercises, and demonstrations will be done. Discuss how karma, past lives, and the collective selves impact our stress. What we can not acknowledge we can not heal. Sample treatment methods to reduce stress during the workshop.

*** Please go to our website for dates & locations ***

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